Birds pecking into your window are cute until the bird flies away, only to collide into your glass window a few seconds afterward. And no, these birds are not crazy. The birds are pecking or flying into windows because they see their reflection and think it is a competition that needs elimination.
The problem is, birds will only harm themselves if not stopped. And they will relentlessly do it because it is in their nature. Hence, we need to step in and stop these cute little birds from destroying themselves.
- Why do birds peck or fly into windows?
- Removing Visuals
- Scaring birds away
- Making the area not bird-friendly
Why do birds peck or fly into windows?
There are many species of birds that are territorial and aggressive. And birds will peck or fly into windows because they think they see a threat to their territory. And they will do anything to persuade the other birds to fly away. However, as they only see their reflection, they will eventually exhaust themselves or get injured.
The aggressiveness of the birds will depend on the type of species. In most cases, these birds get a little too territorial during mating season. The alpha blood in male birds emerges during this time of the year when the need to claim territory is high. This odd occurrence usually happens around February and can continue until they have a brood to feed.
Since birds will continue with their odd behavior until the breeding season ends, it is best to step in and lend a hand. Here are some tricks you can do to stop birds from pecking or flying into windows.
Removing Visuals
Since birds are attacking windows because they see a threat, removing said threat is the key to stopping these cute little birds from harming themselves. And no, making your window dirty is not the way to go. Although it is pretty effective when you want to stop birds, think of the possible things people will say to you. Just looking at your window getting all dirty is something you should not be proud of, even if it is for the sake of birds.
Install shading
When birds fly, the glass reflects the sunlight. The birds will go and investigate, and the mayhem will start. But if there are shades in your windows, the mirror will not reflect the daylight because of the shadows. And the bird will be safe from itself.
Put a hanging flower basket.
Another trick is to hang a flower basket in your windows. But just a note, though, many species of birds also love to create nests inside them. So aside from the beautiful flowery shrub, you can also put a little surprise like a plastic snake to scare off birds.
Closing Blinds
If your windows have outside shades like blinds, you can also close them. That is if you are okay with not seeing through the glass.
Decorating your window with decals outside
You could also decorate your window with cure decals. The trick is to cover some portion of the glass so birds will not see their complete reflection. By doing so, birds will still investigate but will eventually leave the glass alone since it does not see any threat.
Install Frosted Glass
If you have a budget, you might as well replace your glass window with a frosted glass pattern. So, it would be like adding decals to your window, but instead of stickers, the frosted glass part of the window will hide the bird’s reflection. No reflection, no angry bird pecking into your window.
Scaring birds away
Aside from removing the visuals, you can also add or install something that will scare birds away. The trick is to make the birds fly away from your window, just like using scarecrows in fields. But this time, for windows.
Get a wind chime
Wind chimes will keep birds away. Birds do not like unexpected noises, and wind chime is great for this. However, birds tend to get used to the noise that the wind chime is making. But if you only want to scare the birds while they are in their aggressive state, this will fit the bill.
Owl Statue
You could put your statue in your window. Or hang a plastic one if you want. Placing figures is effective because owls are natural predators that other birds are scared of; birds will not go near them. So let’s see if those cute little peckers go near the windows again with owls in charge.
Plastic Snakes
Since birds are afraid of snakes, it is only natural that they will not go near them. However, birds can get used to these objects and can get near them eventually. You can move the plastic snakes from time to time, so the birds will see that the snake is alive.
Making the area not bird-friendly
Another way to stop birds from tirelessly attacking their reflection is by making the area less attractive to birds. Although some bird loves will disagree, it would be the best way to ensure birds are safe from themselves or your glass window.
Removing bird feeders
Having a bird feeder on your lawn will attract birds. As birds claim their territories based on their survival rate, removing one crucial part of their survival will be essential. If you remove the bird feeders in your area, chances are, birds will find the area boring and will eventually move locations where food is plenty.
Removing birdhouses
As with the bird feeders, remove birdhouses, especially the ones that are near your windows. Birdhouses will encourage birds to land and eventually see the reflective glass. In addition, eliminating birdhouses will lessen the chance birds will attack your window.
You should use only the last two methods if you see that relocating their nest to a different place will be better for them. Like if the bird is attacking their reflection to the point that it is already harmful and could even kill them. Otherwise, just let the birds be.